Birth to Adulthood |

A continuum of impact

Through a continuum of impact that spans from birth to adulthood, ATLAS aims to deploy confident and competence Christ-centered leaders into the community in order to propel transformation from within.

Our Strategy

From Readers to Leaders

The ATLAS Continuum is built to develop and deploy Christ-centered young adults who are equipped to lead towards community-wide transformation.

1. Early Learners with a target of producing 3rd grade Readers
2. Christian Learning Center with a target of producing Life Ready Leaders


ATLAS has identified 3rd grade reading as the primary midway check point. Research shows 3rd grade literacy drastically enhances a child’s ability to develop in their educational journey beyond 3rd grade. If children are not proficient by 3rd grade, their ability to reach their ultimate potential is exponentially more challenging. In contrast, those who are able to reach that milestone by the end of their 3rd grade year are able to progress in their educational journey as lifelong learners, opening the doors to their maximized potential - and we believe, their God-given purpose.


Beyond 3rd grade, children enter the Christian Learning Center with the fundamental skill of reading proficiently, which opens the doors to their academic success as they grow. Likewise, children also enter with a foundational knowledge of God and biblical truth associated with a growing faith in Christ. The Christian Learning Center offers a variety of programs which all work together to instill the character and skills needed as they mature into young adults and leaders. Through training, experiential learning, and personal accountability, each avenue of impact has strategic value; and when children are able to participate in multiple ATLAS opportunities, the impact increases exponentially.

Two Programs

Early Learners Program (Birth-3rd Grade)

Historically, this county has seen numbers as high as 60% of students entering Kindergarten not equipped with the needed fundamental skills to be successful. Beyond that, 3rd grade literacy rates suffer at an even greater rate. 85% of education beyond 3rd grade is dependent on a students ability to read. Students who are unable to read by 3rd grade are far more likely to drop out of school. 3rd grade reading is the number one lever we can pull to set students on a path that will lead to success beyond school. ATLAS is dedicated to helping the students in Greene County begin their educational journey on the right foot, fully prepared for Kindergarten when they enter school and reading by 3rd grade. The Early Childhood program is accomplishing this through mastery-based curriculum, workshops and trainings for parents, and one-on-one instruction designed to help students grow at a pace that is ideal for each individual.

Christian Learning Center (3rd Grade-Adulthood)

The Christian Learning Center occurs during and outside of school and is interwoven into the students’ academic and extracurricular schedules. Students receive elective, history, and english credits through courses that are designed to deepen their biblical knowledge while equipping them to stand firm in their faith as they mature toward adulthood. In addition, students participate in youth environments meant to lead them to discover their own God-given purpose. From 3rd grade through adulthood, the ATLAS Christian Learning Center is a comprehensive approach to creating and deploying young Christ-centered LEADERS.

As a part of the Christian Learning Center, the Lawton Scholarship provides an avenue for graduating seniors to pursue their higher education dreams without the undue financial burden that typically comes with that endeavor. Students are selected through a comprehensive process that provides all applicants valuable experience in interviewing and resume building that will help them in college and beyond. Founders Greg and Anna Lawton have partnered with ATLAS to build and administer this program which includes mentoring throughout their college career and beyond.